Best of Life

Best of Life

Best of Life

Best of Life book cover

by Nanny A. van den Oever

Nanny is a Numerologist and a Life Coach – a very interesting and unique mix! This book is about self-empowerment so that women can live their Best Life.

The second half of the book is a numerology tutorial AND almanac that gives you the numerological influences for every day, week, month and year in perpetuity. I use this book regularly myself for numerology, it’s just AWESOME!

Nanny wanted a very creative, colourful design using photographs of Christchurch, New Zealand both before and after the major earthquake that happened there in 2010. At that time, I was personally living in the port of Christchurch which is a small town called Lyttelton.

The quake was devastating emotionally as well as physically for the residents of the Canterbury province and this book was intended to be the beginning of healing for them.

Nanny and I met at a spiritual festival a few years later, got talking, and just clicked! I was so thrilled to work on this book which is truly transformational.

Best of Life book cover and book interior pages
When She Wakes, She Will Move Mountains

When She Wakes, She Will Move Mountains

When She Wakes, She Will Move Mountains

When She Wakes book cover

by Tanya Valentin

Tanya is a Life Coach is specialises in helping mid-life Moms find themselves after the kids have all flown the nest. They’ve given to others their whole life and are now wondering, “But who am I?”

Using powerful archetypes, Tanya shares her proprietary healing process in this book to begin to answer that question. The cover was based on a photo provided by Tanya from her branding photoshoot and summed up the unique essence of this book – helping women who are stuck to find and celebrate their Inner Queen.

The interior was a clean design with a feminine, womanly look and feel. Tanya now has a business asset that will last for YEARS to accompany her coaching programs and workshops.

When She Wakes book cover and book interior pages