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Here in Aotearoa New Zealand, we have a saying that is used frequently.

You may have heard of it? Every Kiwi out there almost certainly has!

And the phrase?

“Don’t be a dick.”

I do get that this phrase is not EXCLUSIVE to New Zealanders but I came across a US-based advertising agency using it to promote some services recently.

And it got me thinking…

I don’t want to be an ignorant, selfish person who is, quite frankly, an idiot. I don’t want to be a dick.

But if we take another stance on that word, as it is sometimes used here in our country, a “dick” – or idiot – can be a clown, a buffoon, or a fool. And yes, that’s got a negative meaning.

And also a positive one.

I don’t want to be ignorant but I do want to make people bust out laughing because I made a comment or a post or a blog or a video that brought joy to their day.

I want to be THAT kind of dick.

And I urge you to consider being one too 😄

You know the quote that, according to my social media feed, belongs to Keanu Reeves, Richard Gere, Christopher Walken, AND Sir Anthony Hopkins? “Be silly. Be kind. Be weird.” Yeah, THAT one. It’s actually by Sweatpants & Coffee creator, Nanea Hoffman (Yes, I did check Snopes, thank you very MUCH 😄).

I’ve spent the last few weeks with various injuries (concussion bites wind!) and illnesses (hello ’flu bug that gave me vertigo!). So, while recovering, I spent time commenting on social media.

Rather than erudite nuggets of my self-publishing expertise, I was being a total dick – the good kind, pinky promise!

I was making jokes in my silly comments. I was funny and supportive and kind and an all-round DICK. I had a blast! 😄

I LOL’d multiple times a day at the funny replies people made. That’s where the real humour is IMHO. When I see a joke meme or video online, I head straight to the Comments section. People out there are HILARIOUS! And yes, you do get the other kind of dick in there too but there is so much more goodness in the world than not if you’re looking for it.

I also connected with new people JUST because they cracked me up. We will most likely never work together but they’re FUNNY! 🔥 The DM banter was superb as well.

I also got a lot of calls scheduled. People want to talk to a fellow dick, it seems 😄

Some people didn’t like me. Some people disagreed with me. But did that stop me? No.

As the great John Cleese said about creativity, “…So you’ve got to risk saying things that are silly. And illogical. And wrong and the best way to get the confidence to do that is to know that while you’re being creative, nothing is wrong….”

The fear of being wrong (and looking like a dick) is a creativity-killer.

So… be THAT weirdo! Be a dick! Let your freak flag fly!

Your authentic, goofy, adorable, competent, professional self (these qualities are NOT mutually exclusive BTW) has a whole WORLD of dick peers waiting to hear from you and connect with you and SUPPORT you.

That’s it.

Be a dick.

But not a jerk.

Peace out 😄

Woman in a green dress and headband against a black wall. A blue panel is to the left with text.