Get Out Of Pain FAST!

Get Out Of Pain FAST! book cover

by Emma Green

This is Emma’s SECOND book – I often say that self-publishing a book is like eating potato chips, you can’t stop at just one! 😄 This book was a more general book on healing ALL types of physical pain, not just Tennis Elbow, using physical therapy exercises and lifestyle changes.

A fresh contemporary design was conceived for the cover to be high impact as that tiny thumbnail on Amazon – our goal was to stop the scroll and encourage readers to click and look at the Amazon sales page.

The interior pages were a refined design of the first book – improvements were made and it all worked really well. AGAIN, Emma hit the #1 New Release in her Category spot on Amazon during Launch Week!

So many people are in pain out there and this book really makes a difference. We are very happy to be part of achieving that result.

Get Out Of Pain FAST! book cover and book interior pages